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My name is Shlomo Raviv

I was born in Morocco on 05/05/1945 as the second child in a family of nine.
We immigrated to Israel in 1955.
I was sent to boarding school in Ra'anana, where I studied for two and a half years and then in Kibbutz Sa'ad in the Negev for a year and a half.
Due to the economic situation at home, i had to leave the kibbutz to help support my large family.
I started working as a plumber and there I learned the trade.
In 1968 I married my wife Hannah, and had two sons and two daughters and in 1969 I became an independent contractor.
Art was always my love but as a child I could not realize it.
After my eldest son enlisted in the IDF combat unit, unfortunately, he was hit in Lebanon (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and had to stop my work to accompany his treatment with doctors and specialists around the country and it is still going on for twenty years.

Story of my life

Following my psychologist for who treated me for three years encouragement,  I studied art and sculpture in Sendai Art Kibbutz Ein for 4 years with Mexico-born Paul Salo.
During this period I found relief and healing and developed my old dream - the art and ever since I am drawn to it with all my soul and it helps me deal with the pain.

I Experienced over the years different and fascinating periods and many ups and downs.
For the last ten years i have created sculptures - not to be proud of and not for livelihood.
The sculptures were waiting patiently for years deep inside me to rise up and then broke out in fierce, strong flow into my life and I could not stop them - across borders and continents and stand on its own - and now they live on their own.

As the saying goes
"There is no evil without good and there is no good without evil"

Shlomo Raviv

 stone sculpting

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